Nice Best Interior Design Schools photos

Bad Architecture II
best interior design schools

Image by isar21
You might wonder why I consider this bad architecture, so I try to tell you why:
What you see here is the facade of a primary school, designed by a famous german architect.
Enough? No?
O.k. at least in my humble opinion, schools should support or even serve children. This building just serves itself. It also falls in pieces after only a couple of years of usage. The architects don´t allow the necessary changes, since they regard this a violation of their copyrights.
It is really amazing, since the first impression of the design is quite positive, modern architecture. The amount of mistakes they have committed is absolutely amazing as well. For example it is very hard to spot the entrance of the building, windows can´t be opened, the main interior color is black, etc. pp.
I have to stop here, otherwise its going to be long list.
Just one more sentence: In my point of view, all Architecture and Design has to serve its users.If this rule is properly executed, its likely that the result will turn out to be elegant and visually pleasing.
But this doesn´t mean, all elegant and visually pleasing design, necessarely solve functional problems and serves human beings.
Just my two cents.

Tags:best, Design, interior, Nice, photos, schools


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